2018 Vacation Bible School

Not to worry! It is all in the fun of Vacation Bible School on June 11-15that 9am – noon!
SHIPWRECKED: Rescued by JESUS is our theme!
SIGN up online https://vbspro.events/p/events/trinitylp2018vbs or grab a registration form on Sundays or at the church office and return to Laura Nelson or Ruth Fisher.
For children going into Kindergarten – 6thgr in Fall 2018.
HUNTING for adventurous adults, teens, and those going 7th– 9thgraders to be a part of the Vacation Bible School fun and show Jesus’ love to eager children! See Ruth Fisher! 480.235.1573
or rfisher@trinitylcs.org See areas needed:
CREW LEADERS – Adults, Teens, 7thgr & older
If you love children, check this out! You are the ones closest to the children! Each station will guide you through activities, while you and another helper get to mentor 10 children!
BIBLE DISCOVERY – Make God’s Word come alive! You can act or you can help in Bible Discovery!
KID VID CINEMA – Relating Bible stories to life with video snippets and Bible discussion.
IMAGINATION STATION – Fun, building gizmos to relate to the Bible stories.
GAMES – We have a plan for all games! You explain games and be prepared to have a blast!
SNACKS – Maybe you love filling little ones’ tummies. The kitchen is ready for volunteers! Contact Ruth Fisher at 623-935-4665 Ext 213 or rfisher@trinitylcs.org
Let the Singing Begin!
Vacation Bible School CDs HAVE ARRIVED!
If you have registered and paid for your children for VBS, be sure and pick a CD on Sunday at the church office. Crew leaders/ helpers and Station Leaders: Grab your VBS CD, and start singing!