Who We Are


We are one of approximately 6000 member congregations of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod walking together with a common confession of faith. A formal statement of beliefs can be found on the LC-MS Web site here. A pdf version can be downloaded by clicking here. As an individual congregation, we have a responsibility to ensure that you grow in your faith and are equipped for service in the Kingdom of God. In order to accomplish these responsibilities, Trinity provides various opportunities for you to grow: diverse worship styles, adult bible classes, common interest groups and ministries, children's and youth ministries, Trinity Lutheran School, and many service areas for you to discover, develop and exercise your spiritual gifts. We are committed to offering you opportunities to serve, study and socialize in God's Kingdom.

Our congregation’s mission statement is:

“Trinity Lutheran Church exists to share the Living Water

of Jesus Christ with a thirsty world.”

That’s not only our mission statement; that’s our way of life here at Trinity! Everything we do is focused on sharing the message of Jesus with thirsty people. The specific ways we strive to accomplish our mission can be summarized by our “CROSS” values.

Trinity Lutheran Church values…

  • Celebrative Worship

We strive to offer excellent, thematic and Christ-centered worship services that meet the diverse needs and styles of a variety of people. We will create meaningful worship that doesn’t compromise the Gospel. You can find our worship schedule on the right side of our home page.

  • Relationship Building

    We want the members of Trinity to "feel" that this is their church "home" where they are loved and cared for by others. We strive to equip people with the knowledge, skills and opportunities needed to build Christ-centered relationships in their lives, especially focusing on Christian families and Christian fellowship.

  • Outreach to the Community

    We want the members of Trinity to have a deep compassion for the lost and to be actively engaged in sharing the Gospel with others. We strive to identify and implement successful outreach strategies that promote name recognition and Gospel presentation so that people in the West Valley will come to Trinity and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.

  • Studying Scripture

    We want the members of Trinity to be biblically literate, doctrinally sound and deeply committed disciples of Jesus Christ. We strive to provide ample opportunities for all ages to study God’s life-giving Word in relationship building groups so that faith is created and disciples are made.

  • Service Opportunities

    We strive to identify, equip, recruit, enable and empower people to serve God with their spiritual gifts through the ministries of Trinity and in their daily lives of discipleship.

We hope that you will come and check us out at Trinity Lutheran Church. We believe that in Jesus Christ you will find love, hope, comfort and salvation. Trinity's message to you is God's message to you in Christ Jesus as found in the pages of Holy Scripture. From the time Adam and Eve fell into sin in the Garden of Eden, that sin has been passed down to all people (Romans 5:12). Sin in our lives results in shame, guilt and ultimately eternal death and separation from God. The bad news is that the Bible says that we are spiritually dead in our sin (Ephesians 2:1) and are utterly helpless to do anything on our own to restore our relationship with God. In God’s grace and mercy, He has provided a way for everyone to return to perfect harmony with Himself and replace our sinful selves with His righteousness. That way, the way of salvation, is found through faith in Jesus Christ and the sacrifice of His life on a cross as payment for our debt of sin (Romans 3:21-25).

The good news is that this salvation is a free gift from God and is not conditional on anything we do or say (Ephesians 2:8-10)! Because our natural condition is spiritually dead, the book of John (15:16) even says that God chooses us, we do not choose God; we need only to cling to the promise that we are justified (made righteous) before God and that our sins are forgiven for the sake of Jesus Christ. John 3:16-17 says that “God so loved the world (including YOU!) that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” What good news indeed!

We invite you to come and join us for worship here at Trinity this Sunday. You are our honored guests and the reason we exist in the first place!

If you are looking for a new church to call “home” or simply want to talk more with someone about Christ and the Living Water He offers, we’d love to hear from you!

Sharing the Living Water with You,

Pastor Dave Bolte

Senior Pastor


“The Lord is good! He is a refuge in times of trouble.

He cares for those who trust in Him!”

Nahum 1:7