Know The Facts…Make A Plan

Event details

  • Saturday | December 10, 2016
  • 8:45 am - 12:00 pm
  • 830 E Plaza Circle Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 Adult Classroom
  • 623.935.4665 ext 218

The topic of this event is Funeral Preparation. Do you know that the best gift you can give your family is to make your wishes known about your funeral preparation and funeral service? When the family is deepest in grief is when they are required to make find important papers and make tough decisions. YOU can make those plans and decisions easier for them! Sean Thompson from Thompson Funeral Chapel will be with us to explain (and provide handouts) what important papers and decisions need to be addressed immediately upon our death. The Lord can call each of us to our heavenly home at any time. Age has no factor, and preparedness is always the best choice. Please consider your gift to your loved ones and mark Dec 10 on your calendar. Let us know you’re coming…Please select a valid form