Swimming/BBQ @ Z&L’s New Digs

Event details

  • Saturday | August 26, 2017
  • 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
  • 17665 W Elliot Rd Goodyear, AZ 85338
  • 515-864-6064

HEY High School FRIENDS! We’re thrilled to invite y’all to enjoy our new community — it won’t be home until we “break bread” and lazzzze around the pool together, so we hope you’ll plan to make it! Oh and this is FREEEEEEE to you!
Who: Teens 9th-12th & bring a friend (2017-18 school year)
What: Swimming & Pizza
Have with you: Modest swimsuit, towel, sunscreen, flip flops, your best cannonball skills, and smiles for miles
Where: Starpointe Residents Club in Estrella Mountain Ranch
When: Aug 26th from 10am to 2pm
Text Laura to tell her what your favorite color is.