Pastor Bolte was born in 1963 in Cedar Falls, Iowa. He is married to his wife, Roxanne, and they have two daughters Kristen and Taryn. They live in Litchfield Park. Pastor Bolte attended Concordia College, River Forest, Illinois, in 1982-1986, graduating with an elementary education degree. He went immediately to Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, (1986-1990) where he graduated with a Masters of Divinity. He was ordained into the ministry of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in 1990, and has served at Zion Lutheran Church in Pierce, Nebraska (1990-1995) and Trinity Lutheran Church, Litchfield Park, AZ (1996-present). He served on the Board of Directors of the Pacific Southwest District (2006-2012) and was Vice President of PSWD’s Region Four (2009-2012). He has traveled to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of South Sudan’s seminary in Yambio, South Sudan to teach four times, in 2009, to teach the Book of Genesis; in 2010, to teach the doctrines of Christology and Justification; in 2013 to teach the doctrines of Word and Sacraments; and in 2015 to teach Luke/Acts.