CLICK HERE to Subscribe –> My Devotions for Families, 50th Anniversary Edition Lent 2023
For over 50 years, families have looked to My Devotions to reflect on God’s Word together. This collection of 365 daily devotions includes favorite, insightful devotions gleaned from My Devotions magazines published in the past 50 years. We wil use 48 Lenten devotions for our Daily Video Devotion time together!
Each devotion includes a suggested scripture reading, an engaging story and a short prayer, and includes the year the devotion was originally published. This format draws children closer to Jesus as they learn more about His love and grace.
Daily Video Lenten Devotions for Children and Families
Devotional: My Devotions for Families, 50th Anniversary Edition Lent 2023 distributed by Concordia Publishing House
Led by Laura L. Nelson
Dir. Children & Youth Ministries
Trinity Lutheran Church & School
830 E Plaza Circle
Litchfield Park, AZ 85338
CLICK HERE to Subscribe –> My Devotions for Families, 50th Anniversary Edition Lent 2023