Sr. Youth High School Age
We meet each Wednesday of the month in the LIGHT Lounge Youth Room from 6:30-7:45pm.
We are always searching the Word of God to SHED A LITTLE LIGHT on the joys and concerns we face in our homes, schools and the world. What we discover is Jesus’ astounding love for us and how it impacts our lives today RIGHT NOW! Each month, we also meet once or twice for small group Bible-focused discussion, share what’s been going on since we last saw each other, hang out, and play outrageous games. Through these activities, we learn how God is at work in all of our lives, and faith-based friendships with fellow youth and adult leaders.
You’ll find us shining in The LIGHT Lounge -- our youth room.

For questions and info, contact our Director of Families, Youth, and Children's Minitries, Janet Sienkiewicz.