CLICK HERE to Subscribe –> What Do I See At Calvary? Lent 2021
Daily Devotions for Children and Families!
In this daily video devotional, we’ll walk together on the path to Calvary.
The daily devotions in this Lenten booklet ask children to imagine the sights they might have seen as they followed Jesus throughout Jerusalem during Holy Week. Each item is colorfully illustrated to help children picture what it was like to see Jesus riding a donkey, praying under an olive tree, sharing bread and wine, carrying a wooden cross. Our salvation story comes into bright focus when we take the time to really look closely. Written with theological depth and gentle simplicity, these classic devotions speak to the heart.
Send the message home to church and school families. Get the whole family involved in reflection and prayer through a gift of this inspiring devotional parents and children can read together day by day through Lent.
CLICK HERE to Subscribe –> What Do I See At Calvary? Lent 2021