Matthew teaches us that Jesus is the Son of Abraham and the Son of David. The promise to Abraham was that one of his descendants would bless the entire earth; and the promise to David was that one of his descendants would be a Great King with an eternal Kingdom! Jesus is that Great King […]

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The Gospel of Matthew begins with the “genesis” of Jesus: His beginning. Jesus begins the “new Creation”, the New Era of Salvation where Jesus will overturn and restore everything that Adam corrupted and destroyed in the original creation. Matthew then traces Jesus’ family line through the Old Testament showing that He is the Son of […]

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December 02, 2018 Advent 1: Who Is Jesus

The word “Advent” is a Latin word (adventus) that means “coming, approach, or arrival of a King;” in Church usage it means “the coming of the King, our Savior.” Advent is one of the most special times of the Church Year as we prepare for the fast approaching Christmas season.

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