November 18, 2018 Life 3: Sanctified Life

Living your life each day as a Christian is called Sanctifying Faith. How much do you trust God with the details of your life? Sanctifying faith is trusting God each day through the joys and hardships of life. Sanctifying faith holds on the promises of God, it strives to remain faithful to God, it patiently […]

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November 11, 2018

Because we have been reconciled to the Creator of all life, and we know Him as our Father in Heaven who gives us spiritual and eternal life, we are pro-life people. God is not the god of death; He is the God of life — ALL LIFE. The Lord teaches us to value life , […]

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November 04, 2018 All Saints’ Day

One of the blessings of salvation that the Bible talks about frequently is LIFE. God is the author of life; He is the creator and the giver of all life. In Scriptures, there are two aspects to the life that you have through faith in Christ: spiritual life and eternal life.

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