The Lutheran Reformation can be summarized with the words ONLY Scripture, ONLY Grace, ONLY Faith, ONLY Christ, and to God ONLY be the Glory…The Five Solas. These words focus our attention on what’s important in our faith and life and remind us that “it’s still all about Jesus!”

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Romans 8: Biblical Baptism

Paul teaches us in Romans chapter 6 that baptism is so much more than a simple ritual or something we do as an outward reflection of an internal faith. This gift and act of God bestows on the individual the blessings of faith unto salvation!

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When the Bible teaches us about the righteousness of God, it does not mean that we have to be righteous, holy, and perfect on our own, but rather that God declares us righteous, holy, and perfect in His sight. Righteousness is a legal verdict from God; it is an official pronouncement that we are “not […]

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The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven was like the firing of the starter’s gun at a track meet, or the click of the stopwatch. The timer is going; the countdown to the Last Day began when Jesus ascended into Heaven. Time is now measured and limited. How are we to live in these Last Days? […]

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2017 Easter 4 Hope

Hope is described as firm and secure; it is pictured as an anchor that holds down your soul and keeps it from drifting away. Just as an anchor tethers a ship to the ocean bottom, so too hope tethers you to Christ who has risen from the dead!

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