A Christian is completely free, subject to nothing and no one; A Christian is a dutiful servant, subject to everyone. -Martin Luther At first, it seems contradictory, that you’re completely free but at the same time a dutiful servant. But it really is a way to express what the Bible teaches about the Gospel of […]
The Baptism of Jesus was a big deal! At first, though, it did not look like much of anything. Jesus probably had to stand in line, and wait his turn, for John the Baptist to baptize Him in the Jordan River. The Bible says that people were flocking to John to be baptized, and Jesus […]
When you think back over to this past year, did you pick up the Covid 19? Not the virus, but the 19 pounds that went with all the stress of Covid: shutdowns, quarantines, testing, video school, online meetings, non-stop news reports, and all the other craziness that we have had to endure! As we start […]
THE NAME OF JESUS PERMEATES OUR LIVES: you live and move and have your being in the Name of Jesus! Your identity is found in the Name of Jesus! It’s who you are! It is who God “re-created” you to be! Since Holy Baptism, you live and you will die in the Name of Jesus! […]
The Christmas story is the story of God’s great love and compassion for you! God intervenes in human history to do what we could not do. It’s a love story — and a salvation story! It’s a dramatic rescue story! It’s a story of God’s great love for you, personally, and individually! Don’t harden your […]