50 years ago, a handful of faithful Lutherans worked hard to establish our congregation here at Trinity Lutheran Church. Literally, through their blood, sweat, and tears, the Holy Spirit worked and a congregation was formed; a building was built, a Pastor was Called, and people gathered to hear the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. […]
Christmas is a beautiful time; it’s a joyful season; it’s a wonderful holiday! But don’t be captivated by the beauty, joy, and wonder of it all! Remember that the significance of Christmas is that God loved you so much that He sent His Only Begotten Son on an ugly mission to brutally die on a […]
God has chosen to deal with His Creation — and His People — through His Word. God is always in a Word Relationship with us, He reveals Himself and His Will to us through His Word; He is a speaking God; that’s how He has chosen to interact with all of Creation and with His […]
Advent is a time of joy, rejoicing, and bursting into song! God the Father loves you so very much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to be your Savior! And then during your lifetime, God the Father sent the Holy Spirit to you; to lead you to Holy Baptism where you were given faith […]
Today we begin the Advent season, it’s a time when we eagerly anticipate the birth of Christ in Bethlehem and prepare for Christmas In our preparation, we will be guided by Isaiah’s prophecies to celebrate the birth of the Savior. In Isaiah, there are four chapters that are referred to as the Servant Songs. These […]