50 years ago, a handful of faithful Lutherans worked hard to establish our congregation here at Trinity Lutheran Church. Literally, through their blood, sweat, and tears, the Holy Spirit worked and a congregation was formed; a building was built, a Pastor was Called, and people gathered to hear the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
For 50 years,
the Lord has been working
through His Word and Sacrament
to make disciples in this place!
This year we have celebrated it in many and various ways, culminating in the 50th Anniversary Dinner on Reformation weekend. I hope you were able to rejoice with us in celebrating God’s faithfulness to this congregation over the past 50 years1.
Today marks a transition for our congregation: we have celebrated 50 years of God at work in this congregation with His grace and mercy. And now we look forward to the years to come, continuing to work in His Kingdom with His Word and Sacraments, and together saying the same thing as Holy Scripture: confessing together the truths of God’s Holy Word! Amen!