August 09, 2020 Hebrews 10: The Main Point

As our Great High Priest, Jesus brings the sacrifice for our sin to God. Because Jesus’ blood covers over our sins 2 , God’s wrath is appeased and you are reconciled with God the Father. God has promised that because of Jesus’ sacrifice, He will never ever remember your sins again! You are forgiven! You are restored! You have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ – our Great High Priest!

Peace with God is an invaluable gift of salvation. A guilty conscience comes from sin; frequently it drives you away from God. You fear God’s wrath, judgment, and punishment. A guilty conscience is a heavy burden to bear. Guilt is a horrendous feeling. A guilty conscience is a terrible thing to live with.

But your Great High Priest cleanses your conscience! His once and for all sacrifice creates peace between you and God. The forgiveness of your sins quiets your conscience. You are cleansed of your guilt; it is removed from you; you have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ!

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