August 11, 2024 • Lord and Giver of Life

The Bible doesn’t teach us exactly what the role of the Holy Spirit was in the Creation of the world, but He was there as the Creator, giving life to the world. The Holy Spirit is the Lord and Giver of life.

What the Bible does expand on is the role of the Holy Spirit in the New Creation, that is, in the creating of faith and new life in believers. This work of the Holy Spirit is summarized with the word sanctification.

It is the Holy Spirit . . .
• Who empowers you to love God, hallow His Name, and worship Him
• Who motivates you to listen, learn, and study the Word of God
• Who prompts you to love your neighbor as Christ has loved you
• Who bears fruit in your life; character traits like love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control
• Who has given you gifts to use to build up the body of Christ and to reach out to the lost.

Your everyday life is now lived in Christ, it is lived in faith, it is lived empowered by the Holy Spirit. Now that you are born again in Holy Baptism, you have a new life to live until you inherit eternal life.

As conservative Lutheran Christians, we stand with believers of all times and all places in the One, Holy, Christian, and Apostolic Church; and we boldly confess the Deity of the Holy Spirit. With the historic words of the Nicene Creed, we believe, teach and confess: THE HOLY SPIRIT, the Lord and Giver of Life!


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