August 16, 2020 Hebrews 11: Faith! Believe! Trust!

Hebrews chapter 11, the great Faith chapter of the Bible, reminds us of many faithful Old Testament believers who trusted in God and His Word. They are held up before us as examples for us to follow, they surround us and encourage us as we learn of their faith story, and they are part of our spiritual heritage; they are our godly ancestors who share Faith in Christ, Believe His Word, and Trust His promises! In Hebrews, God’s promises are the object of our faith. God’s promises are what you hold onto and never let go! You put your Faith in God’s promises, you BELIEVE they are true, and you TRUST they apply to you! God’s promises will never let you down.


  1. Reply
    Linda Wilson says:

    Thank you so very much for your Sermons. They mean so much to me to get to hear them….

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