Today we hear the story of Adam and Eve and the Fall into sin. The story of the Fall is pretty familiar to everybody, even unbelievers will recognize the story the devil using a serpent to tempt Eve; and Eve listening to him and eating of the fruit of the tree that God commanded her not to eat from. Soon afterwards, Adam joined her in rebellion and disobedience and he too ate from the tree.
If only the punishment for that sin was thorns and thistles and hard work for men and difficult childbirth for women! However that’s not the case. Sins against God are serious; disobedience to God’s Word is fatal.
Because of their sin, death came into the world; and every single person ever conceived — including you and me — will die someway somehow; and until then, we all live with a sinful nature.
Thankfully, the Lord does not leave us in our sin. God sent His Son Jesus Christ to rescue you from sin, even your “sinful nature,” or your “Old Adam,” or even your “flesh”!
Jesus came into the world to do what Adam and Eve should have done: that is obey God. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and brought death into the world; Jesus, the Son of God, obeys God and brings life into the world.
Jesus fully obeyed God at all points and at all times. In life, Jesus fully obeyed the Law, Commands, and the Will of God the Father. And in His death, He passively obeyed the will of the Father by giving up His life for the sins of the world. Jesus’ perfect obedience is how we are saved; it’s His life and His death that rescues you from sin. In the Resurrection, God the Father is announcing to the world that He accepts Jesus’ perfect obedience for your salvation!