February 19, 2023 • Passion Predictions

Like the prophets of old, Jesus proclaimed the Word of God and He worked mighty miracles. The people marveled at what Jesus said and did; they knew there was something special about Him, but they just didn’t know exactly what it was. There were many opinions, lots of rumors, and all kinds of speculation.

Jesus taught the Word of God with authority, and He worked great miracles; but that is not where His glory is to be found. His glory would be seen at the cross where He suffers and dies for the sins of the world. It is there where He will be revealed as the Savior of the world! His Resurrection on the Third Day will prove that it is true, that He really is the Christ, the Son of God, Who gives eternal life through faith in His Name.

Jesus taught His suffering, death, and resurrection to us ahead of time. It came to pass exactly like He said it would. He really is the Savior and your sins really are forgiven!


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