February 21, 2021: Don’t Trip Over ANGER

In Christ,
• you can live a life of peace, love and joy
• You can pray for your enemies
• You can live a life of self-control & patience
• You can be patient and kind: quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry
• You can get rid of all bitterness, rage, and malice
• You can be a person of grace rather than a hostile person of wrath!

A person of Grace is compassionate to others, patient and forgiving, just as God in Christ is compassionate with you, patient, and He forgives you all your sins. Be a person of Grace!

God has set you free from His anger, you can set other people free from your anger.

Today, don’t get tangled up in anger; rather live your life in the peace, patience, and grace of God. Christ Jesus makes you a person of grace … not a person of anger!


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