July 08, 2018 Revelation 6: Sealed For Heaven

In the book of Revelation, one of the names that is given to the one, holy, Christian, and apostolic Church is the “144,000.” In the numerology of Revelation, 12 is the number of the Church — reflected in the 12 tribes of Israel in the Old Testament, and the 12 apostles in the New Testament. Twelve Old Testament tribes x twelve New Testament apostles = 144. That 144 is multiplied by the complete number of 1,000, and you get 144,000. 144,000 is the complete number of all of God’s people throughout both the Old Testament and the New Testament times. It is not a literal number, but figurative. It means that no one is excluded. Every single believer in Christ is included – including you. In the book of Revelation, the 144,000 are SEALED. A “seal” is a mark that identifies those who belong to God. God knows whose are His!

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