July 14, 2019 Ephesians 7: Faithful In Suffering

The word “suffer” means “to endure, to undergo, and to experience.” There many different kinds, levels, and degrees of suffering. The word “suffer” is usually used in terms of something unpleasant.

Just as we suffer; and just as St. Paul suffered; even more did the Lord Jesus suffer. In fact, He came into the world to suffer and die for us and our salvation. Jesus’ suffering took Him to a cross; where He was brutally killed. His suffering took Him to a cold grave of a stranger. Jesus’ suffering was for us and our salvation.

Jesus teaches us how to suffer: we learn from Him that we are to patiently endure in the midst of pain, difficulties, and in the hardships of life. As believers in Christ, our stance towards suffering is “patient endurance”.

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