The Christmas story, or the Incarnation of Christ, is about God coming into the world for us and or salvation. It is teaching us that God became flesh in order to be our Savior.
Jesus is given a body so that He can live on earth under the 10 Commandments, like all of us. He lived as a human being, experiencing everything we experience, even temptation. But He did not sin. As True God, He lived a perfect and holy life: always glorifying God and always loving His neighbor. He did that for you, and His holy life is credited to you through faith; it’s as if you have lived a perfect and holy life in God’s eyes.
Jesus was given a body so that He could also suffer and die on a cross for us and our salvation. His body was the sacrifice that paid for our sins. He was punished for us. He suffered for us. He was declared guilty for us. He died for us. He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. And in His resurrection from the dead on the Third Day, in His body, you are now declared “not guilty” of your sins. You are given eternal life, and forgiven all of your sins.
You are now free to live in God’s love! You are free to glorify God in everything that you do! You are free to love and care about your neighbor! You are free to grow in grace and learn more and more about this God who loves you so much!