July 29, 2018 Revelation 7: False Teachers

Some of the most graphic and fantastic images in the book of Revelation have to do with FALSE TEACHINGS that lead people away from the Lord Jesus.

These graphic and fantastic images begin with Satan dramatically falling as a star out of heaven. In Revelation, Satan is the King of Hell, and his name is Destroyer. He is given the key to the Gate of Hell, and when he opens it, smoke like a gigantic furnace darkens the sky and smothers the earth.

Out of the fires and smoke of Hell come gruesome creatures that destroy people. Some of these creatures are described as locusts that look like war-horses and have tails like scorpions. Others are described as horses and riders that are dressed for battle. In these graphic and fantastic images, three things stand out:

All these dangerous creatures come from Satan
The danger is in their mouths. It is what they say that makes them dangerous.
Their number is vast: 200,000,000

These dangers from Satan are FALSE TEACHERS AND FALSE DOCTRINES inside the Holy Christian Church, as well as all the FALSE IDEAS, THEORIES, AND PHILOSOPHIES in the secular world that lead people away from Christ and His Word.

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