Today we heard the story of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. It’s an example of humility, love, and service. But have you really thought about how lowly of a service this really was?
Foot washing was a necessary act in biblical times because of the dusty roads and the sandals the people wore. Their feet got dirty! It would be similar to taking off your shoes before entering a house today; or washing your hands before a meal. Can you imagine being the one washing some else’s bare feet? Just touching someone else’s sweaty, dirty, bare foot is not too appealing to most people!
But yet, JESUS, THE SON OF GOD, did just that for 12 men and their 24 dirty, sweaty feet!
It was Maundy Thursday, the eve of Christ’s crucifixion, and Jesus uses this foot washing practice to teach the disciples, (and us!) about humility, love, and service to other people.