May 30, 2021 • The Holy Trinity


I know that is a bold statement that might catch you off guard. But it’s true. All idols and false gods are demonic. There is no such thing as “other gods”. It is not like there is a pantheon of gods and as Christians, we follow the one called the “Holy Trinity.” There are no other gods. The New Testament teaches us that anything that is called a “god” or an “idol” is really a demon.

The Creeds teach us WHO GOD IS and WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR US!

Because we have Bibles everywhere today, creeds are not as important as they once were.

• But they still stand as clear witnesses that define the truth of God’s Holy Word and makes important distinctions between false teachers
• They still teach the faithful, including us today, about Who God is and what He has done for us in His Son Jesus Christ
• And the Creeds connect us to Christians throughout history who have used the same words to confess WHO GOD IS and WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR US!

On this Holy Trinity Sunday, we thank God that He has revealed Himself to us through His Word, and that we can confess our faith in Creeds.


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