The Bible talks a lot about peace.
We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Your relationship with God the Father is restored because God the Son Jesus Christ died for your sins and cleanses your conscience. You have been reconciled to God, you are welcome into His presence, and you know that He loves you. You have peace with God, and that comes only through the Lord Jesus Christ.
When Jesus talks about His return on the Last Day, there is always an urgency to it . . . and that urgency creates the tension and agitation within us. We are to expect His return at any moment.
It is similar to an hourglass with sand in it. Every second of every day, the sand in the hourglass trickles away —- there is not much sand left in earth history; soon it will be time; and in a split second everything will end; at a specific day, hour, minute, and second
Jesus will return, and it will be Judgment Day.
Although there is an urgency to Jesus’s return on the Last Day, we still have complete peace about it. It’s an odd mixture of peace and urgency! The peace we have comes from knowing that there is no fear in Jesus’ return for those who trust in Christ. The Last Day is not a frightening Day of Judgment; but rather a long awaited Homecoming Day!
So stay awake, be alert, be zealous for the Lord and His Kingdom!
Because Jesus has promised:
“Behold, I Am Coming Soon!” Revelation 22:7
“The time is near.” Revelation 22:10
“Look, I am coming soon!” Revelation 22:12
“Yes, I am coming soon ! Amen!” Revelation 22:20