October 4, 2020: Exalt! Praise! Extol! (Psalm 145)

You can never go wrong with the book of Psalms! In fact, if the only book of the Bible you had was the book of Psalms, you could never fully study it all during your lifetime! The Psalms are high and wide; long and deep!

Today we are looking at Psalm 145. It is an Acrostic Psalm; that means that each line begins with the next letter of the Hebrew alphabet. In other words, it’s like each line begins with an A, then a B, then a C, and so forth all the way through the Hebrew alphabet1.

Psalm 145 is a Psalm of Praise. It calls us to praise God at all times; and it gives examples of why we praise the Lord. Because is it an Acrostic Psalm, you might say that we praise God from “A to Z”, and everything in between!

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