April 30, 2023 • Confidence & Boldness

When Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday, one of the things that happened was that the curtain in the Temple in Jerusalem was torn in two (Matthew 27:51) That curtain separated the holy place from the Holy of Holies. The Holy of Holies was a separate room in the Temple that signaled God’s presence on earth. No one was allowed in the Holy of Holies throughout the entire Old Testament times except the high priest once a year on the Day of Atonement. He would bring the blood of a sacrifice with him to make “atonement” for the sins of the people. The curtain that hid the Holy of Holies reminded the people that their sin separated them from God.

When Jesus died on the cross, that Temple curtain was torn in two – it was split apart to show that the way to God’s presence was now OPEN through the death of His Son! Jesus is the sacrifice who makes atonement for your sins; His blood covers over your sins and they are remembered no more.

Your sins have been dealt with, they no longer separate you from God.

You are welcome in God’s Presence. There is no curtain, no sin, no guilt, nor anything else, that separates you from God! The Resurrection of Jesus Christ proves that this is true!

Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, you now have peace with God. Because your sins have been dealt with and removed from you, you have access to God. You have been forgiven of your sins and cleansed from your guilt. In the New Testament, there is a special word for this new relationship you now have with God: the word is parrasia; it’s translated into English as confidence and boldness.

Let us then draw near to the Throne of Grace with confidence, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16

You have confidence and boldness to approach God, His Throne of Grace, because of the Lord Jesus Christ. This confidence and boldness, this parrasia, is because Jesus has removed your sins from you and cleansed your conscience. God’s wrath has been satisfied; He is not angry at you because of your sins. This parrasia2, confidence and boldness, is seen in three places in your life.

One of the great gifts of salvation is parrasia, confidence and boldness in the presence of God because of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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