June 27, 2021: The First Sign

Can you imagine seeing Jesus work a miracle? Wouldn’t that be something?! That must have been how the disciples felt at that wedding in Cana. They had just started following Jesus, they were trying to get to know Him, they were starting to learn His teachings, they were beginning to have faith in Him as the Messiah. And now at a wedding in a small town, unknownst to the other guests, out of the blue, Jesus works a mighty miracle right before their eyes! Jesus commands Creation by simply speaking, and water turns into wine!

Faith is your connection to the Savior! Faith is a gift of God that comes through God’s powerful Word. You learn to know that Jesus is the Savior and believe that He has saved you personally. This story of the Wedding at Cana is written so that you will believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that by believing you will have life in His Name!

The Wedding at Cana was Jesus’ first miracle; it was quiet and private and only a handful of people knew what was happening. His disciples saw it and put their faith in Him.

Today may you see it also through the eyes of faith and the words of Holy Scripture.

See the miracle, and believe in the Savior!


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