Christmas teaches how much God the Father loves you; He gave His Son for you; He sent Jesus to be your Savior; and throughout your life He has sent messengers to tell you this Good News! This is one of those opportunities. In this service, many people will tell you the Christmas Gospel in various […]
When the angel Gabriel came to Mary, he told her that by the grace of God she would have a unique, one-of-a-kind role in the Kingdom of God: she would be the mother of Jesus, the Son of God! Here is some of what Gabriel said to Mary: “He will be great and will be […]
You can have confidence and assurance today because of the work of salvation that is accomplished by the Son of God, His life, and His death. The work is complete and it is perfect. God the Father accepts the work of His Son and proves it to you by raising His Son from the dead […]
In Martin Luther’s Small Catechism, we believe, teach and confess Jesus’ “State of Humiliation” like this: As man, Christ did not always or fully use or manifest the divine powers and majesty that were communicated to His human nature. Jesus’ State of Humiliation began when He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of […]
Advent begins our preparation for the upcoming Christmas season! Advent is a word that means arrival; it’s a time when the Holy Christian Church prepares for the arrival of Christ; we remember His birth in Bethlehem after centuries of promises in the Old Testament. It’s a joyous and expectant time in the Church Year; it’s […]
Today/tonight we are especially mindful of praise and Thanksgiving to the Holy Trinity. We praise God the Father for His care and concern in our daily lives that extends to the smallest detail in our lives; yes we thank you for all the blessings he so freely gives to us. We praise God that He […]
Today we are celebrating “All Saints Day”! Today we remember those who have gone before us and have died in the faith. Today we thank God for their faith and life and that we got to know and love them. But, we are not here to herald the accomplishments of great people; and we certainly […]
Throughout Scripture, the life of faith is pictured as that of a Journey of faith. The Journey of faith image has the idea that your entire life is based, shaped around, and focused on Christ and His Word. Your Journey of faith implies and means that you are moving towards a goal: the Kingdom of […]
When you think about the Lutheran Reformation, one of the easiest ways to think about it is with the phrase “Sola Fide” — by faith alone. That was one of the ways that the Reformers’ summarized their differences with the Roman Catholic Church. “Sola Fide” — by faith alone — is the biblical way of […]
A term that’s helpful to learn and know when it comes to Theology, Christian doctrine, and the study of Scripture is Gospel Motivation. Gospel Motivation is a way to describe that our Christian faith and life is motivated by the good news of eternal salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. Gospel Motivation keeps the proper […]