In the Nicene Creed, we confess that “We believe in the Holy Spirit The Lord and Giver of life.” That phrase Lord And Giver Of Life is meant to teach us… …that the Holy Spirit is the One, True, and Only God, equal with the Father, equal with the Son. …It is also meant to […]
God the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life, has worked through the Gospel to bring you into the Church. He has given you faith in Christ the Savior and the recognition of the Love of God the Father for you. He has called you out of the darkness of this world and brought […]
One of the most fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith is the doctrine of the Inspiration of Holy Scripture. The English word “inspiration” comes from a Latin word that means “breathe” and it refers to the Holy Spirit breathing the words of Holy Scripture to the Prophets and the Apostles. St. Paul teaches this in […]
The Bible doesn’t teach us exactly what the role of the Holy Spirit was in the Creation of the world, but He was there as the Creator, giving life to the world. The Holy Spirit is the Lord and Giver of life. What the Bible does expand on is the role of the Holy Spirit […]
1,700 years ago, godly men and women stood firm on Holy Scripture and confessed the truth of the Holy Spirit in the Nicene Creed. We too stand firm on Holy Scripture, and confess the truth of the Holy Spirit in our day and age with the words of the Nicene Creed: We believe in THE […]
There are many answers to the question “what is the most important message of the Holy Christian Church?” As we’ve been studying the Nicene Creed, notice that it doesn’t talk about Jesus’ miracles, His parables, His transfiguration, or any other event of His life. The focus is on the cross and the things associated with […]
THE INCARNATION OF CHRIST The Christmas story, or the Incarnation of Christ, is about God coming into the world for us and or salvation. It is teaching us that God became flesh in order to be our Savior. Jesus is given a body so that He can live on earth under the 10 Commandments, like […]
The Holy Spirit worked through the Council of Nicaea to proclaim the truth of Holy Scripture: that Jesus is homoousios with the God the Father, that is of the same substance. Those who taught that Jesus was only similar to God the Father were condemned as false teachers. Homoousios; NOT Homoiousios The entire second article […]
The normal way to think about children is that our sons and daughters come after us. Perhaps you get married in your 20’s, and start having kids soon after. Usually, your children are at least 20 or 30 years younger than you are. There is a “age gap” between you and your kids. There was […]
Lord. Jesus. Christ. These are three of the most important words in Holy Scripture. They teach us who Jesus is and what He has done for us. 1,700 years ago the One, Holy, Christian, and Apostolic Church used these three words to confess the truth about the Son of God and to defend at the […]
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