December 10, 2023 • The Virgin Mary

When you think about the history of the Kingdom of God, there are some people that stand out because of their one-of-a-kind role and vocation that they played in history. For instance, MOSES. JOHN THE BAPTIST would be another one.

Mary was given a one-of-a-kind role and vocation in the Kingdom of God: she is the mother of the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ!

Of all people, Jesus Himself had a one-of-a-kind role and vocation in the Kingdom of God! He is the Savior of the world!

And now, in faith, we live out our lives in holiness and righteousness. You may not have been given a historic one-of-a-kind type of work to do that will change history, but you have been given one-of-a-kind type of work that only you can do in your vocations: in your marriage, your family, your workplace, and your circle of friends. The Holy Spirit works through you so that you can love God and serve your neighbor with your gifts, talents, and personality!

Like the virgin Mary, you were chosen by name and by grace, both to believe in Christ and to serve him in your vocations! Amen!

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