February 12, 2023 • Hear the Word!

The Gospel of Luke begins the parable of the Sower and the Seed with a triple emphasis on sowing. Literally it says “a Sower went out to sow his seed, as he was sowing…” Jesus teaches us that the seed is the Word of God, and of course, Jesus Himself is the Sower. He is not stingy, but extremely generous, in sowing His Word. Through His Holy Christian Church, Jesus is actively sowing the seed of His Word in every nation on earth. The goal is that all will hear, listen and believe in Him as the Savior of the world.

This parable calls you to evaluate yourself. Take an honest look at what your attitude is towards the Word of God. Is your heart hard or soft when it comes to God’s Law? Do you believe the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and know that your sins are forgiven and that you belong to God? Are you eager to hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop?

Jesus is the Sower of the seed in your life.

He is continually at work bringing His Word to you; putting it in your ears and planting it in your heart. He has given you a plethora of ways to learn, study, and understand His Word.

The question today is how do you hear and retain the Word of God?


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