July 5, 2020 Hebrews 5: The Great High Priest

In the Book of Hebrews, Jesus’ earthly life is portrayed as His training to be our Great High Priest. As true God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, Jesus became a perfect man and lived like we do. He was just like us but without sin! It’s like He was learning firsthand what it is like to be a human being so that He can be sympathetic and understanding and helpful to us.

  • He was born and raised in a home with godly parents;
  • He studied the Scriptures, memorized verses, & learned how to pray;
  • He learned and obeyed the 10 Commandments;
  • He ate and drank and slept like we do.
  • He barely had two nickels to rub together;
  • He was tempted to sin like we are, but He never gave in.
  • He was weak and tired and needed time to rest and take a nap.
  • He had good friends;
  • He had miserable friends;
  • He had bitter and ruthless enemies.
  • He experienced injustice and humiliation;
  • And finally, Jesus suffered, and bled, and experienced excruciating pain, dying a torturous death on the cross.

Jesus’ earthly life is portrayed in the Book of Hebrews as His training to be our Great High Priest. It’s like He was learning firsthand what it is like to be a human being so He can by sympathetic and understanding of you and your life and your hardships.

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